Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 32, First Stealth

August 14
306.3 down, 1897.6 to go

Hitched a ride to the trailhead. Hitch hiking is so much easier with a pack on! It was cloudy and first. We were positive it would rain, the clouds were a nasty grey. It didn't. In fact, the clouds burnt off and it was a beautiful sunny hike. We stopped in to Imp Shelter to fill up on water. Our Sawyer Squeeze takes seconds compared to the pump filter! Saves so much time. The caretaker was pretty great with explaining where the great campsites were, so we continued on a bit past the shelter and found the place, in the middle of the woods. We could see hikers on the trail, but they couldn't see us. Probably how bears feel. Creepy.


  1. What a great idea Magic Scout has! Would love to see his video.

  2. I like the idea of stealth!

    Dad and I were out in the woods picking blackberries last night and it makes me think of you. I often think of bears coming up on me when were out like that.

    This morning at 4:30 I have blackberry pie in the oven. We will save some for you when you come back here.

    Love and prayers for health and safety for our kids on the AT
